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    **Hi there, /u/LuckyLaceyKS – it looks like your submission is in the form of an image or gif.**

    Remember that [Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/futurology/wiki/rules#wiki_3._no_memes.2C_reaction_gifs_or_similarly_low_effort_content._any_images_or_gifs_must_either_be_in_the_form_of_an_infographic_or_must_be_accompanied_by_a_starter_comment_describing_the_post_and_how_it_relates_to_futurology.) requires that image or gif-based posts not in the form of an infographic must be accompanied by a starter comment that describes the content and how it relates to futurology. This requirement is intended to help ensure that r/futurology remains a site for high-quality, future-focussed content. We appreciate you help in this matter!

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