Der „Mutter der Demokratie“ geht es nicht gut


  1. A squeeze on free expression and opposition has been a feature of the rule of Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata party, especially since its second election victory five years ago.

    It has has been an autocratic feature of the rule of Modi’s Bharatiya Janata party, especially since its second general election. Harassment, often by tax or legal authorities, has become common for government critics, be they independent media, academics, thank-tanks or civil society groups. The BJP’s muscular Hindu nationalism has eroded India’s tradition of secular democracy.

    What is alarming now is a sharp step-up in state enforcement agencies apparently being used to stifle opposition parties and politicians as the election approaches. A stark example is the recent arrest of Arvind Kejriwal, chief minister of Delhi since 2015 and one of India’s most prominent opposition leaders. The leader of the Aam Aadmi party was detained after questioning by a body that polices economic crimes, over an alleged “scam” involving alcohol sales. Other senior officials of the AAP, which runs northern Punjab state as well as Delhi, have been held as part of the same probe.

  2. NumerousKangaroo8286 on

    Poor people living under $3/day don’t really care about freedom of expression. Its a country with barely over 2000 USD per capita in real terms, I am surprised it’s not fully an autocracy or have constant civil wars considering the neighborhood they are in.

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