Biden wird beschuldigt, der Hamas geholfen zu haben, während Israel über das drohende Einfrieren der Waffen empört ist


  1. SS: The move of US to freeze certain weapon shipments to Israel has been known for some days. The interesting aspect is perhaps how quickly and strongly Israel turned and started to condemn US on this move. Some ministerial members even started to compare Biden with Hamas. As US is Israel’s strongest ally, we have not seen such strong statements before.

  2. sihtydaernacuoytihsy on

    It’s helpful to read the article to find out who’s doing the accusing. It’s Israel Katz, Bezalel Smotrich, Itamar Ben-Gvir, and Amichay Eliyahu. The quoted players are like a who’s-who of far-right bigot scumbags.

    When you’re pissing off Amichay Eliyahu–the David Duke of Israeli politics, the guy complaining that the IDF favors Palestinians over Israeli settlers, the guy calling for nukes to be used against Gaza–you’re doing something right for the rest of humanity — Jewish, Arab, and uninvolved.

    And no, with due respect to the Israeli ambassador to the UN, this won’t cost Biden any Jewish votes. We’ve got plenty of info about the differences between Biden and Trump, tyvm.

    But you know who helped Hamas? Bibi, when he moved troops away from the Gaza border so he could enable further settler violence in the West Bank. Maybe he should resign in disgrace and face the jail time he richly deserved last summer.

  3. considertheoctopus on

    I’m really tired of seeing Israeli propaganda in billboards, commercials, paid ads online, and in public addresses from its politicians that speak directly to American politicians and voters. American weapons have killed enough Muslim civilians, women and children throughout the Middle East already. I oppose Israel’s continued destruction in Palestine and certainly I don’t think it’s reasonable to execute this bloodbath of theirs while also demanding Americans supply the machinery. It’s not like they don’t already have enough weaponry of their own. America withdrawing military aid (even a full withdrawal, which this is not) will have zero effect on Israel’s ability to kill children and blow up hospitals and schools.

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