1. Houdinii1984 on

    Before I even look who she is or what ‘team’ she plays for, throw the book.

  2. rbrutonIII on

    “But the Democrats stole the election!”

    And then for the past 4 years we’ve had people like this steadily coming out. It’s a human playbook that has recently been the only one the far right has been using, actual politics and policies be damned. It’s Projection. It ain’t even political at this point. It’s the same thing as a bully justifying beating somebody up by saying he bought something from the vending machine because he knew I didn’t have the lunch money that he gets….

  3. Boondock830 on

    If the United States saw what the United States was doing to the United States, the United States would invade the United States, over throw the United States, and then give the power of the United States back to the United States.

    Or something like that.

  4. ShillGuyNilgai on

    Posting a screenshot of an axios headline is orders of magnitude more depraved. Might as well just mainline cia talking points, it would be more efficient.

  5. earthhominid on

    Obviously a deep state lie. The courts are compromised. Real fax only get through on Twitter (or 13 hr long brighteon videos)

  6. EducatingRedditKids on

    How was this a conspiracy?

    She posted voting information so people could verify election results.

    It’s the people that are hiding /. Suppressing election results thst are suspect.

    All of this could be avoided with paper ballots only and in-person voting.

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