An alle Amerikaner, die in Texas und Alaska unterwegs sind: Willkommen in Westaustralien.

Von PrestigiousPick7602


  1. Dangernood69 on

    So half a continent is bigger than one state? Good job bubba lol

  2. Not-Josh-Hart on

    Texas has a bigger population and economy than Australia, y’all just comparing empty land

  3. Reasonable_Ninja5708 on

    5/8 of Australia’s states/territories are larger than Texas, with Western Australia and Queensland being larger than Alaska.

  4. SanfreakinJ on

    Australia has The Wiggles so that’s kool. Also I like the feeling that started this with my 🍎🍊 comment on the Texas vs Europe thread. 🤣

  5. fingersdownurpiehole on

    My childhood was fucking ruined when I found out about map distortion

  6. Active-Image-6399 on

    Alaska’s hanging in there. It has more shoreline. That had to count for something.

  7. Itscameronman on

    As an American who loves big stuff

    Hell yeah lol, nice country mate lol

  8. NeatInvestment4737 on

    Thanks for overlaying various wastelands over each other.

  9. Count-Elderberry36 on

    Well to be honest is it really much of a flex when the majority of the land is uninhabitable and full of all the demon creatures you can find on earth?

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