Was würden Sie für das Netz nur als Backup bezahlen? Stromnetze entwickeln sich weiter, Kalifornien geht zu festen Tarifen über, da Strom aus Wind- und Solarenergie billiger wird, Netzzugang und Stromleitungen jedoch teurer werden – „Kalifornien genehmigt unbegrenzte feste Tarife auf Stromrechnungen“

California approves uncapped fixed charges on electricity bills


  1. IntergalacticJets on

    I bet this sub will ignore this news and continue sarcastically asking “so my electricity bill will get cheaper, right? Right?!”

  2. BeefJerky_JerkyBeef on

    Personally, I think its cool to pay for a base power grid fee of say, $50/month. Then let me figure out the electricity however I want to.

    The partial logic in Califonia is that if the power grid infrastructure isn’t going to be funded by the electricity it moves, then we need to fund it differently. Having fixed base fees really high lower solar power payback of residential solar projects, but it gives you a battery.

  3. thefiglord on

    yeah but the long term and it seems like 5-10 years out – is solar + battery – if you go 20 there is no need for the grid for homeowners- the uncap part just gives them justification for them to be charging u for nothing

  4. Edison is going up 22.6% this year then 6% every year after that, for four years.

  5. This is just rewarding horrible behavior by these utility companies. They have price gouged for decades and haven’t made investments into infrastructure or updates. They’ve taken every shortcut possible and expect bailouts when it inevitably fails while maintaining a monopoly on the market.

    Don’t support corporate terrorism.

  6. Outrageous-Yak-3318 on

    Taking away our public infrastructure one piece at a time

  7. Mustang46L on

    I pay $10/month currently (PA). If it would get too high, say $50, I’d probably get batteries and disconnect from the grid.

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