Der frühere russische Präsident droht als Reaktion auf die Beschlagnahmung russischer Vermögenswerte mit der Beschlagnahmung des Eigentums von US-Bürgern


  1. Any private US citizen who has personal property in Russia at this point in time is pretty effing stupid

  2. RottenPingu1 on

    Some suckers moved there recently for their new utopia…start with them.

  3. It’s such a stupid headline to contain “former russian president”. First of all everyone knows that the only puppet Putin ever let to be a “president” once was Medvedev, it’s not like there was any other “former president”, and second, russian empire is not a democracy. Those “presidents” are made up titles given just so that they can look like one. Re-using those fake titles is only giving their regime legitimacy.

    It’s not president Putin. It’s dictator Putin.

  4. Elysium_nz on

    Anyone who’s still invested in Russia at this point deserve to have it all confiscated.

  5. No_Zombie2021 on

    Didn’t they already do this for some companies that left Russia. I recall something about some airplanes and manufacturing industries.

  6. That’s great! They should have divested everything. Do it Medved. Make everyone realize they better not invest there

  7. AmberTurd223 on

    If an American citizen has assets in Russia, please, feel free to take them

  8. Louis_Friend_1379 on

    Medvedev’s plan sounds good to those of us in western countries that have no pity for any US citizen with assets in Russia. This plan will also help ensure all US and any other western countries citizens will be unlikely to ever invest in shithole Russia ever again. There will be nothing more satisfying than watching Russian targets burn from weapons purchased with Russian money.

  9. Wickedocity on

    The only ones I would feel sorry for would be the ones in Russia prior to the war and were unable to move their assets out.

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