Jacob Rees-Mogg sagt, die Proteste der Universität gegen ihn seien „legitim, wenn auch laut“ gewesen.


Von Superb_Boss289


  1. DismalAd2452 on

    He’s right, all of the people saying these were violent pro-Hamas protestors need to give their heads a wobble.

  2. Jonography on

    Most people I know can’t stand him but I find Jacob Rees-Mogg to be fairly level-headed with common sense. He’s totally right here and glad he recognizes the right to peaceful protest regardless of whether he holds the views of the protestors or not.

  3. ICantPauseIt90 on

    Funny, coz the far right nutters like Darren “crafty wank” Grimes and Richard “the reality is” Tice think these protests should never have happened and everyone should’ve been arrested….

  4. Powerful-Pudding6079 on

    I can’t stand the guy, but fair play to him on this – he’s right of course, it is legitimate protest.

  5. faconsandwich on

    What pit of hell is this where I agree with Jacob Rees Mogg.

    Strange days ,indeed

  6. ShufflingToGlory on

    Shame on the Labour politicians clutching their pearls and stoking outrage about these peaceful protests. I thought these were supposed to be the good guys?

  7. Plenty-Extra on

    I hate that we live in the worst timeline where progressives hate Israel and Jacob Rees-Mogg sounds like a reasonable person.

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