Top-Tory-Abgeordneter wechselt aus Wut über die NHS-Krise zu Labour

Von ClassicFlavour


  1. Le_Ratman99 on

    Fair enough, he’s not standing at the next election, which will hardly be a long time in the future anyway.

  2. Apprehensive-Sir7063 on

    I wonder how many have died

    May sound dramatic I had to threaten to sue my psychiatry centre to get a prescription after years of being misdiagnosed and refusal to correctly acknowledge my bipolar diagnosis which doctors diagnosed abroad. resulting in a 24/7 headache since last winter and physical pain very high pressure and palpitations I’ve had to go to hospital for multiple times… 4 private doctors have said are psychiatric in cause not to mention I started hearing a voice I can’t get rid of. A doctor on holiday thought I had a transient aschaemic attack so I returned home has MRIs I paid for myself and there was nothing.

    It’s all psychiatric.

    Last appointment I wasn’t taking any chances as no private psychiatrists anywhere near me so I said I will sue you if you don’t give me medication.

    I’d win too I’m permemently damaged by it, I just want my medication though.

    So I know many people will have died because of the conservatives cutting budgets I know they’re busy they’d not complete full assements, make assumptions ignore other diagnosis but used that to refuse medication remove me from the services so I wasn’t a patient so I suffered for years and now my health much worse permemently.

    And the conservatives want to cut welfare and send people like me back to work.

  3. Square-Competition48 on

    A Tory with principles?

    No wonder he doesn’t feel at home there anymore.

  4. DismalAd2452 on

    I think it says a lot about the state of the major parties currently that an MP can defect directly from Tory to Labour.

  5. captainhornheart on

    >He said he would not seek re-election to the House of Commons at the next general election. But, writing in the Observer, he says he envisages a role advising the Labour party on its policies on mental health while focusing more on his NHS work. 

    Hmm. Slight whiff of opportunism. Strange it’s taken him so long to realise the dire state the NHS is in.

  6. ManOnNoMission on

    “the party I was elected into valued public services”

    MP, Part time doctor and apparently part time comedian.

  7. What NHS crisis? Seriously, NOBODY is covering that or the lack of policing or what it’s happening with GP appointments. WTF is wrong with the press?

  8. undercoverbruva on

    I’m not a fan of the Tories but 62% voted for them in his constituency and now they’re represented by a Labour MP. There should be a mandatory by-election if you want to switch party.

  9. Agreeable_Falcon1044 on

    This is a huuuuuuge blow despite the media playing defence. The guy isn’t doing it to save his political career, he’s going, he’s just decided to light a fire as he goes!

    It also means we could have sunak bounced into a confidence vote as the amount needed keeps falling

  10. Alive_Engine_7952 on

    Just proves what most right-of-centre voters think. A lot of the Tory party are indistinguishable from Labour #VoteReform

  11. Why didn’t he do it at any point over the last 14 years? Is it because he’s expecting to be out of power shortly anyway?

    Rats desert a ship only when it’s sinking, not because the ship is piloted by a gang of fucking twats.

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