Denn diese Seite will nicht nur die Rechte der Frauen, sondern aller Menschen auslöschen.

Von ValuableTailor2755


  1. ThingsThatDie on

    There are people who are not mentally ill and absolutely know the definition. Sadly they are too afraid to address the elephant in the room and upset a small minority of people

  2. LegalizeHeroinNOW on

    Just because one side is wrong on some things doesn’t automatically make the other side the purveyors of “truth” and “freedom”.

  3. maddiejshack on

    Men have always tried to take things from women… today it’s our biological identity 🤦🏻‍♀️ give us a mf break pls

  4. PAmmjTossaway on

    General rule of thumb I’ve seen around this.

    People who ask others to define what a woman is, likely base their answer off their feelings.

    People who get asked to define what a woman is, likely base their answer off their feelings.

    Everybody else has the common sense to know that it don’t matter how you define a woman because all real life situations that matter are handled without any single definition of a woman.

  5. Sword-of-Malkav on

    … Why don’t you just give everyone all the rights, and they pick which ones they like, care about or some shit?

    You know- freedom?

    Oh wait- people that post shit like this arent interested in freedom.

  6. Top_Confusion_132 on

    I mean, conservatives have pretty piss poor answers to that question, too.

  7. cacaokakaw on

    It’s a misogynist, anti-science cult. The ~~Democrats~~ globalists claim men can get pregnant and breastfeed.

    They also are pushing men competing in women’s sports and using women’s locker rooms. It’s now “public policy” per O’Biden’s CDC and WH.

  8. I think the point of contention comes from the fact that trans individuals aren’t seeking basic human rights, but special rights and privileges.

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