Unsere psychopathischen Oberherren sind dabei, einen weiteren biotechnologischen Virus auf uns loszulassen. Die FDA geht davon aus, dass 83 Millionen Amerikaner sterben werden

Von SuspiciousWarning184


  1. SuspiciousWarning184 on

    Ss: FDA claims that the risk is low and we shouldn’t be worried. On the contrary, when they say “Don’t worry” that’s the time should start worrying.

    Disease X’s projected death toll when combined with a continuous surge of vaccine-related deaths, gets us close to Deagle’s 2025 depopulation projection.

  2. Killpower78 on

    *pharma corps rubbing it’s hands in glee about monsterous potential profits*

  3. Some people on this sub complain about fear mongering in the mainstream media.

    Some people on this sub spread it.

  4. Blenkeirde on

    The clinically-diagnosable psychopathic elites won’t stop there. Not only will they profit from the billions that the healthcare industry will amass while treating this biological weapon, they will reduce the noble American mind to a state of fear and trembling which will make them all the easier to control when they push through more diabolical reforms, such as even more poisonous fluoride in the water. Their only objective, being misanthropic sadists, is to bring about the apocalypse.

  5. The government commonly prepares for potential disasters.

    Shortly after 9/11, there were a series of anthrax attacks in the mail. Through my job, I was tangentially involved in some public health training efforts that centered around the possibility that there would be large-scale anthrax attacks in the US. Obviously that never happened. But they had plans in place to deal with it.

  6. Intelligent_Jello608 on

    Does anyone suspect the bird flu is running cover for the vaxx damaged?

  7. Evening-Campaign4547 on

    I hope the people understand now how the “plan” works, so they don’t comply… take the measures that really help, not believing on the media. Of we don’t know at this moment what these measures are, but surely not what the government and media tell us…

  8. Puzzleheaded_Win_989 on

    Maybe that Deagel depopulation forecast isn’t too far fetched.

  9. Acceptable-Take20 on

    Big pharma taking its cue from the military industrial complex. Just like endless conflicts pay out to MIC, endless pandemics will line the pockets of big pharma. They’ll probably blame it on climate change and it’s the common man’s fault too. Something something gas stove.

  10. jonnyboob44444 on

    1 in 4 amaericans? Wow…. I’ve never heard that before. Cough cough late 2019

  11. tybaby_crybaby on

    Social security is only slovent till 2030. Some peeps gotta go..how else can we balance the budget?

  12. No-thankyou_david on

    Get ready…this isn’t gong to go down as they planned…shit will hit the fan

  13. Status_Age_6048 on

    Is it really a coincidence that over the last few years they’ve been talking about decreasing the world’s cow population in the name of “climate change”. And now all of a sudden there’s a virus that is threatening said population? Hmmm guess we’ll be eating bugs sooner than I originally had thought.

  14. CalmKoala8 on

    They quite literally said a few days ago that bird flu is of little to no risk to humans. Stop with this garbage.

  15. Heres a wild idea. Wash your fn hands. And don’t go out when you’re sick.

  16. lovedbymillions on

    Curious that Berkshire Hathaway is so invested in insurance companies. Also that insurance companies are historically big owners of commercial office buildings. Will the Feds be bailing out the insurance industry soon?

  17. AWanderingFlameKun on

    Before I saw this I had been thinking to myself about the next pandemic, “I bet they’ll say it will kill 1 in 4 or 1 in 5. Just enough people to scare the hell out of the population but not enough to be overkill”. They need it to be more deadly than COVID since people are less trusting than they were before but they likely also don’t want it to be dangerous enough to be a threat to them and completely destroy the economy. A lot of money is still to be made from this after all.

  18. SlimeGod5000 on

    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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