Von Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen abgefeuerte ballistische Raketen beschädigen einen unter Panama-Flagge fahrenden Öltanker im Roten Meer



  1. john_moses_br on

    >The private security firm Ambrey described the tanker as being “engaged in Russia-linked trade.” The vessel was traveling from Primorsk, Russia, to Vadinar, India, Ambrey said.

    Great success?

  2. Were they able to (nearly) hit a Russian tanker with a ballistic missile?

    Wow, I don’t even know what is more impressive: hitting a ship with a ballistic missile or hitting an allied ship.

  3. letstalkaboutstuff79 on

    Hey America, how about some freedom of navigation exercises? Or are those only for China?

  4. JanGuillosThrowaway on

    Fellas, is it “woke” to support terrorists attacking neutral ships and creating man-made ecological crises?

  5. Were they always shooting with ballistic missiles? That is crazy. Is Iran using them for weapons testing?

  6. Yemen Yemen make use proud!

    Hurt random civilian merchant marines workers and make us proud!!! Oh yea we be le socialist pro worker! but fuck these low paid workers getting randomly targeted by terrorist!

    -usa college students from humanities faculty

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