Putin wird bis Ende Juni „500.000 Tote oder Verwundete haben“, sagt ein hochrangiger britischer Militärbeamter



  1. FantasyFrikadel on

    Russia has a population of 144 million, 500.000 dead means 1 in 288.

    You’re telling me the average Russian Is cool with 1 in 288 people dead? 

    Or are you telling me those 500.000 folks are mostly from 1 corner of Russia and the average Russian doesn’t mind getting rid of those?

  2. UnFamiliar-Teaching on

    The reality is this is the Ukrainian number of dead..the Russians have lost less than 100k..

  3. That’s half of the Americans killed by trumps bungling of the Covid crisis

  4. pastarojna on

    putin does not give a F&$@!

    🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ!🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

    Путин иди на хуй! !!!

  5. GreenRubberPlant on

    I’ve asked this before in the Ukraine sub but got no answer. Does anyone know what the toll of Ukrainian casualties are in this conflict?

  6. Dry-Interaction-1246 on

    For a country with poor birthrate, emigrating and declining population, this is not a minor problem.

  7. taskforceangle on

    If Russia has a super power it’s their capability and willingness to throw more people into a meat grinder to ultimately prevail. Don’t under estimate the advantage that plays against an opponent with limited capability or willingness to sustain losses. The soft underbelly of the immense industrial military complex in the west is how vulnerable it is to mere perceptions of temporary defeat.

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