„Sie sind flexibel bei Themen, die ihnen am Herzen liegen“: Idris Elba schlägt vor, dass sich die Regierung mehr um XL-Mobber als um Messerkriminalität kümmert


Von insomnimax_99


  1. FrequentSlip9987 on

    Because the XL Bully problem is significantly easier to solve, you can’t hide one on your person, we can (and should) put them all down, and they don’t have other uses like a knife does. They’re also a more recent issue.

    Remember when the government did try and do something, aka stop and search, everyone started kicking off about it. Blame this situation on them.

  2. PlainPiece on

    This the same guy who was furiously demanding zombie knives should be banned, when they already had been for almost a decade?

  3. BadBloodBear on

    What are the suggestions to help reduce knife crime.

    Feels like it’s a lot easier to successfully ban a breed of dogs than knifes.

  4. Firm-Distance on

    He’s absolutely right.

    Years ago I watched a segment on SkyNews – they had a former police officer laying into the government about this topic and he made the point that if it was middle class kids in affluent areas being stabbed, slashed, hacked to death etc – the government would move heaven and earth to fix it – but as that’s *not* the case – nobody is really arsed.

    >*According to LBC’s findings, published for the first time today, around 1,500 children aged 16 and under were arrested for the possession of a knife or other sharp implements such as screwdrivers, carving forks or shards of glass over the first ten months of 2023. The data is based on responses to Freedom of Information requests from 38 of the 43 police forces in England and Wales.*

    So firstly – **not** the full data – as 5 forces didn’t provide data. Secondly, doesn’t paint the full picture as it only shows those ***arrested*** – some individuals will not actually be arrested. The weapon may be recovered, the individual’s identity confirmed and then they are warned in for a voluntary attendance interview – no arrest happens – therefore it wouldn’t show up on this data set. The problem will be worse than is painted here.

  5. sober_disposition on

    I think the trouble is that it’s impossible for the authorities to effectively tackle knife crime without appearing to be classist and racist, and consequently getting eviscerated on social media and in the media in general.

  6. buffdan2000 on

    Can’t call out communities on knife crime, you’ll get accused of racism. Stop and search being a prime example. Young black lad being stopped and search in Walthamstow Central bus station, people calling the police racist, the police pull out a huge machete from his trousers, suddenly they all go quiet.

  7. Banditofbingofame on

    XL bullys weren’t already illegal. Knife crime was.

    It’s really that simple and utterly disengenous to suggest otherwise.

  8. They are agile on XL bullies because it was a growing issue and the solution is both obvious and easy to implement.

    I don’t have any good suggestions to stop knife crime.

    There’s lots of long term expensive things like after school clubs and better support structures. But they won’t have as immediate of an impact.

  9. XL Bully ban seems easier to solve as there are no racial tensions involved.

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