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>Police are calling on the federal government to create a “national action plan” to combat auto theft as it becomes increasingly violent, raising concerns at the Annual Auto Theft Summit in Peel Region.
“The nature of these auto thefts is, as we have seen now, shifting to things like home invasions, carjackings and the use of illegal firearms,” said Nishan Duraiappah, Chief of Police of Peel Regional Police.
Peel Region is now considered the auto theft capital of Canada, causing concern for Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown
Or you know, the police could do something about it….
If police aren’t going to stop them, what would the Federal government do? They’d be sued if they took over municipal jurisdiction. Cities have to get police to intervene or stop funding them if they refuse to take action. We have dozens of articles a week about this where local police just throw their arms up and do nothing.
Someone (can’t find the article) had great idea and simple as well. He said we all have passcode on our cellphones and other devices. All cars in 2024 have some sort of screen. So why the driver in order to drive away with the car could just simply enter a passcode. To me that kind of make sense. So these thieves could start the car but not leave with it. Yes someone with a tow truck can still steal the vehicle. That is and will always be an issue.
The country has collectively put the keys on the porch.
We have a national crisis crisis.
Thousands of cars stolen and all get shipped out of country if this wasn’t part of the plan, they would stop all suspected ships from leaving or, at the very least, maybe inspect a few containers
At this point, doing nothing is intentional
Every couple years you get the police trying to manufacture a national crisis in order to siphon more budget from our overstretched cities, and the media always plays along.
What is the barrier in stopping this shit at the ports?
Like that’s the catch all solution. Don’t let anything through that isn’t inspected no matter the cost. And I guarantee you that funds spent there would serve us better than increasing police budgets in all of our cities not to mention the astronomical insurance costs because of this very problem.
Like put a couple of tanks there with a platoon… I don’t care. Is the mafia going to fight the army now? I’d treat this like a national security issue.
So why aren’t the police in port cities helping out with this? Why are we letting entire vehicles be loaded onto ships and sailing away? Is it lack of manpower, or just plain old fashioned corruption?
I saw a documentary once that said criminals use Canada as a playground because there’s no death penalty and our laws are hella lax.
“We tried nothing and we are all out of ideas”
Is it time to invoke the emergency war act?
Sure fine, declare whatever. Just effin’ DO SOMETHING.
Do SOMETHING at the ports for cryin’ out loud. Like, why does it take all levels of government so long to do something about ANYTHING?
Everything a crisis 🥳
Is the Ontario government dead??
The answer is heightened security at every single port. Similar to airports where you have to go through a body scanner, every single shipping container should be scanned inside and out. Only allow vehicles to leave ports in containers with associated documents matching VINs, and ensure they’re not stolen before allowing them to leave.
Or get the mob out of the Montreal port, root out the corruption in the police forces, and start actually inspecting shit before it goes on a ship. This is not a hard problem to solved on the face of it, it’s just our “leaders” are lazy.
Welcome to Canada:
1. Healthcare: National crisis
2. Housing: National crisis
3. Immigration: National crisis
4. Car thefts: National crisis
What’s next ?
Fix the Ports. Game is over.
I only we were allowed to use some kinda tool tha brought fear of harm and or death to these people.
The difficulty I see now with trying to crack down on this so late is the vacuum it will create in the criminal underworld.
Sure we can just “stop” cars from leaving ports and make it non viable for criminals. That doesn’t mean they’re gonna get in the 250 person lines for jobs at the lcbo tho. If it’s not your car it’s something else.
We have no plan for how we deal with criminals, this is only going to get worse.
There are people who at the very least are turning a blind eye for this racket to work
Then do something about it. Fucks
What happened to leaving our car keys by the front door strategy? /s
We can cancel the bank accounts of truckers protesting but we can’t stop car thieves from shipping cars off to Dubai
Just make it make sense, please..
Obviously people should stop buying vehicles that are valued by thieves. Do people not understand free market principles, this is a market problem not a police problem. Fight crime with your dollars by buying a minivan. I don’t think we should be spending tax dollars on people who have the means to afford vehicles worth stealing. The police have more important things to worry about than fully insured vehicles, just like Trump didn’t rip off the bank cause they got paid so where’s the fraud if people get their insurance money, where is the crime really? /s