Feuchttücher, die Kunststoff enthalten, sollen in Großbritannien vom Verkauf ausgeschlossen werden | Britische Nachrichten


    Von Longjumping_Stand889


    1. limeflavoured on

      Seems like a relatively easy win, tbh. We need to be removing plastics from as many things as possible.

    2. Nuclear_Wasteman on

      Good; they cause untold issues with the sewage system, and alternative materials exist that aren’t hugely more inefficient to produce.

      With regard to the suggestion of banning all single use plastics mentioned in the article… laudable but not likely.

    3. Fishchipsvinegar on

      Was on holiday in the Costa Brava a few years ago and there was an almighty storm one night. Was scared our hotel was going to flood, there were torrents of water running down the steps outside and the spray from the waves was hitting our windows. Next morning it was completely calm and we went for a walk on the little beach and it was covered in debris, but 80% of what had been washed up was wet wipes. Hundreds of them everywhere, all completely in tact. Horrible little fuckers.

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