Ich versuche herauszufinden, welche Buchstaben das auf Deutsch sind und ob es eine englische Übersetzung gibt


    Von nixkms2


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    2. Normal-Definition-81 on

      It‘s „der Prisenschuss“ (Pinch Shot)

      The device can then be used to consume snuff (Schnupftabak).

      Edit: Prise/Pinch not Brise/Breeze

    3. Der Prisenschuss

      Prise = Pinch, Schuss = shot

      Basically it catapults (shoots) a pinch of tabacco made for snorting up your nose

    4. 69Bullish420 on

      „Der Priesenschuss“. Its a machine for shooting snuff Tabaco up your nose. „Priese“ is a portion of such tobacco.

    5. It says: “Der Prisenschuß” in the old (pre-1996) spelling — the modern spelling is “Prisenschuss”.

      It’s a novelty device that is supposed to catapult snuff into your nose. “Prise” means “pinch” in the sense of “a small amount”, i.e. “pinch of snuff”, and “Schuss” is a shot — it shoots a pinch of snuff into your nostril. As far as I can make out this is something of a brand name for what is generically termed “Schnupfmaschine” or “Schnupfkanone”.

    6. ExpensiveAd525 on

      Boy that were the 90s when the snuff industry tried with full force to win the young generation for their dying product by the means of agressive Party marketing.

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