André Pratte: Der Separatismus in Quebec erwacht wieder, und Trudeau nimmt die Bedrohung nicht ernst


    1. middlequeue on

      “People are saying…”

      Some typical concern trolling from NatPo. Always hilarious to see them whinge about unity when it’s the last thing they want for this country. They can’t even be bothered to commission one of their half assed polls for this one.

    2. immigratingishard on

      I definitely agree. I actually wrote my MP a while ago asking what exactly they were doing to combat separatism and protect French in Canada, and they sent back a super generic response that I was not satisfied with. It doesn’t help that I don’t see the Feds doing a lot to on this end, and on the same end I also get super irritated when I see comments online of people just absolutely despising Quebec and wishing they would leave. Anyone that claims to like Canada but wants Quebec to leave is smoking something that I want.

      PSPP did have a quote in here that I do take a pretty big problem with.

      “This regime is not a federation anymore, but an increasingly unitary state, where our political weight will be less than one-fifth of the votes. We are done.”

      The first part is practically just a lie, Canada is an incredibly decentralized country and the power the provinces have is huge. There is so much negotiation and fighting between the levels of government. Look at Smith in Alberta and the Quebec Sovereignty act; i know it can’t really be enforced so it doesn’t really pose a threat, but any other government in the world would basically have just slapped that down.

      For their second part, they either need to make an environment where people want to have kids, or they need to accept more immigrants. Thems the ropes.

      That being said, I think the LIBERAL party, of all parties (Historically the party that was more involved with Francophones rights), really needs to step up and start promoting French hard.

    3. Cressicus-Munch on

      Is it?

      Quebec nationalism and desire for autonomy might be high, but the shift of support from the CAQ to the PQ isn’t due to a resurgence in a desire for separation, it’s due to Legault and his ministers fumbling the bag over and over again on a variety of issues – labour, infrastructure, housing, healthcare, you name it. The Québecois rallied around Legault during the Covid pandemic, but without that crisis to unify the province, you’re left with the shocking mediocrity and recycling of old PLQ politics of the CAQ.

      Granted, PSPP is a charismatic figure and could change things, but separatists aren’t getting younger and both the Québecois youth and the Nouveaux Québecois aren’t especially inclined to supporting separation last time I checked.

    4. ScrupulousArmadillo on

      If Quebec wants to leave Canada, just do it. It seems like they just trying to blackmail other provinces to pay them more. But it’s impossible to build a functional country if some parts of it constantly threaten to leave.

    5. As a Québecois and a sovereignist, I can confirm you that the desire for sovereignty isn’t really seeing a surge; it just happens that the more viable alternative to the current government is a sovereignist party, with a popular leader and this is for reasons other than a desire for independance.

      This is pure fear mongering by André Pratte (currently on the payroll of the Québec Liberal Party) because he knows exactly that a higher support for sovereignty is enough for people to be affraid and then to go back to their federalist security blanket, which is the Québec Liberal Party. André Pratte is playing the long game by electoral opportunist here.

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