Wie lange warten wir auf die Frühlingssonne? Das finnische Wetter stellt meine Geduld wirklich auf die Probe 😭😭😭


Von Ok_Ice_7110


  1. We’re experiencing a once in 30 years kind of cold snap. Could get warmer by midsummer, or not.

  2. Low-Frame776 on

    Your patience will run out very quickly if this is already grounds for a post like this 

  3. OtherwisePollution20 on

    For me Its the shit weather that makes you really appreciate our spring/summer. The shittier the winter the better it is when i gets warm.

  4. And we are also getting some snow tomorrow. Ahh… don’t you just love Finnish weather?

  5. kotimaantieteilija on

    Beautiful weather this morning, now it is more cloudy, but still not an issue. Only difference to warmer days was that I had to grab a jacket this morning instead of just going with a hoodie.

  6. Better-Ad4149 on

    We did the math, it’s 11 months of winter and 1 month of warm winter

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