Hallo Leute! Ich bin in den Ferien hier und habe das folgende Straßenschild in der Nähe von Brügge und Yper gesehen. Was bedeutet das? Danke!


    Von lexlex72548


    1. jantograaf_v2 on

      It is used to indicate often-used alternative routes when, for example, some parts of a highway are blocked. They can start showing them on the LED boarding above the highway to send you on that specific detour.

      For example: due to traffic congestion, follow J to get to Bruges.

      On this specific road sign, both detour routes J and K use the same exit and road after the roundabout.

    2. Those are detour routes. If for some reason (usually maintenance) the highway is closed for a longer period, you need to follow them. You most likely won’t be needing them.

    3. lexlex72548 on

      Thanks for the answers!
      Absolut beautiful country btw, i love it here!

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