1. **Submission Statement**

    Microsoft is taking another step towards removing human developers from direct software development, turning them into supervisors for AI-enabled agents doing all the grind.

    This not only affects the possible availability of jobs for developers but also the set of skills that developers of the future will need. Hard skills may soon be replaced with soft skills, as intelligent bots are going to have to understand what you tell them, how you manage them and what your instructions to them are – a bit like communicating with people.

  2. endgamer42 on

    If this article was written on paper I’d wipe my butt with it. Mindless speculation

    As for the paper, can anyone derive what actual results AutoDev has shown? On my phone so it’s a bit hard.

  3. No-Radio-9244 on

    Yeeeeah, suuuure… tell the shit to make a good version of Windows.

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