Länder, in denen „Konversionstherapie“ noch legal ist

    Von Professional_Cap_472


    1. Well in some of those countries conversion isn’t even an option because admitting one is gay is death.

    2. TourDuhFrance on

      How is it “limited” in Canada? It’s illegal.

      Bill C-4, which went into effect over 2 years ago, has made it a criminal offence to subject anyone to conversion therapy.

    3. surferisation on

      Wrong title, map from 2020…
      Since then countries like France and more surprisingly Albania have banned it.

    4. Reasonable_Ninja5708 on

      I’m surprised that’s legal in so many countries, even in ones like Netherlands and Spain, which legalized same sex marriage in the early 2000s.

    5. Fork-in-the-eye on

      Wait, so a consenting homosexual that may not want to be homosexual can’t go to conversion therapy in Germany? Why?

    6. I wonder if it is illegal only in the medicine context, could a priest still do it?

    7. uknowmymethods on

      Conversion therapy is crazy but what also worries me is who is doing Conversion Therapy at the very north part is that even Canada up there? What kind of place is that and who has time for anything but survival that far north much less any therapy of any kind? Some kind of descendants of those crazed 1870s explores managed to do what? How are they still alive? Now they need conversion?

    8. I mean it’s probably not a thing in so many countries that’s why it’s not technically illegal.

    9. Capital_Cucumber_835 on

      I swear conversion therapy should be some sort of human rights violation.

    10. Canadian__Ninja on

      One of the few maps I’ve seen where the US and Canada are the same colour.

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