Drohnenaufnahmen eines russischen Schützenpanzers, der nachts über eine ukrainische Panzermine fährt. Es sieht so aus, als ob einer der Passagiere durch die Explosion herausgeschleudert wurde.

Von MilesLongthe3rd


  1. Seems too fast to be a 70kg person, probably lithium battery pack. Then again, I’m just some internet guy living a comfy life far from a war zone.

  2. BF1PlayersR_Bad on

    This might be the only Russian that can win the long jump in the Olympics and win without doping.

  3. Legal-Whole-4059 on

    That armored vehicle was not destroyed, it was promoted to cover for the next Russians who try to advance, and the soldier who flew away was not KIA, he was promoted to cosmonaut.

  4. tinypeeeen on

    I give it a 10/10 for distance but only an 8/10 for style. He didn’t stick The landing

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