Ersetzt der Geruch von Cannabis den Rauchgeruch in unseren Städten und Gemeinden?

Von gig1922


  1. Illegal drug completely out competing legal drug in our cities. Prohibition clearly is not working at all

    Giving people places to consume cannabis would have a huge effect on it’s open consumption on the street

    “Expert” Dr Bobby Smyth claims no one has been imprisoned for personal amounts of cannabis in decades but what about this from last year. 3 months inprison for €20 worth of cannabis

    Here’s some more examples

    4 months for 17g of cannabis

    9 months for what is also described as a small amount

    Here’s Dr Smyth calling the people who disagree with him fools.

    He’s also compared medical cannabis which has recently been proven to be effective for numerous conditions by irish researchers) to Crystal healing. This man is clearly very biased against cannabis. I don’t understand why he gets so much airtime

  2. IdiditwhenIwasYoung on

    All over the place in the morning, clearly a lot of people out there with issues if they need to be smoking it as soon as they roll out of bed.

  3. JealousInevitable544 on

    Don’t partake myself and have no issue with people using it themselves, as long as they don’t get behind the wheel or something.

    Treat it like alcohol. Legalise the sale and consumption in licensed establishments and allow people to consume in private homes.

    Likewise, if you can’t crack open a can of cider while walking down the street, maybe consumption of cannabis should also be restricted outside.

  4. niallawhile on

    Honestly this need to just be made legal. It’s beyond stupid how up in arms people are over this but it’s everyone’s own personal choices that make a difference

  5. Horrendous journalism.

    Let’s go interview an easily led Moore Street trader, a restaurant owner on Merrion Row and an anti-cannabis professor who says an ex-alcoholic having to see pubs on every corner isn’t as bad as a an ex-cannabis smoker who has to smell it occasionally.

    Smelling things is worse than seeing things for ex-addicts it seems. Christ above.

  6. I assume the answer drawn in the article is yes. My wife always laughs when she sees me do a kinda sniff around town 😂

    Crazy how common it is and smell it all the time

  7. dropthecoin on

    Anyone who has been to the likes of New York will understand the real issue with the smell. It’s everywhere and for people who don’t smoke, it’s a stink. All the time and around loads of streets. People will compare it to alcohol but if someone walks past you on the street having a drink at 9 am, the smell of that beer alone doesn’t consume areas of the entire street.

    Unlike cigarette smoke, weed seems to linger or something.

    This will be an unpopular opinion on this sub but for me, I have no issue with weed itself per se. Once it complies with existing smoking legislation (no indoors, work places etc) and not done in public places where others have to be subjected to the odour.

  8. sexualtensionatmass on

    Smell of it is fucking disgusting. I’m in favour of legalising it but we would need some smoking ban in outdoor public spaces in denser areas or smoke feee zones. 

  9. I regularly pass two coffee trucks close to building sites and there is always a smell of it.
    Lads are driving to work, operating machinery and generally in a safety controlled environment and they are using.

    I’m an anti prohibition but I think this is unacceptable.
    By all means smoke at home at night and at the weekend, but bringing it to work where they could be a risk to themselves or others is poor form.

  10. Not_lovely on

    I prefer when it smells of cannabis over when it smells of piss. We need more people smoking on Sunday mornings in strategic places.

    For people saying smoke at home, most people does not have homes, they have a room or a bed in a shared room

    I think to be honest that shagging in the street would be more common if it did not rain as often as it does an the weather was warmer.

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