ISW: Russland stellt die Souveränität Eriwans in Frage, indem es einen russischen Staatsbürger in Armenien festnimmt

    Von KI_official


    1. 1Blue3Brown on

      This is fucking intolerable. So some alkash FSBshnik can detain me and transfer to Russia?
      Instead of մեծ մեծ խոսալ every day how about taking actual measures that have actual results, so these kinds of things would never happen, huh QP?

    2. Idontknowmuch on

      > Armenia has experienced heightened tensions with Russia after the country’s “peacekeepers” did not prevent Azerbaijan’s September 2023 offensive into Azerbaijan’s Nagorno-Karabakh region.

      Hey Kiev Independent /u/KI_official , that is not it, get your author to read the very recent European Parliament resolution as to what is really going on, or alternatively get someone impartial who does not shy away from mentioning that the real reason was Azerbaijan’s invasions into Armenia proper in your articles, or your articles are going to end up getting the falsification flair, here:

    3. As long as we have a Russian base and Russian border guards we won’t be a sovereign country. If you guys think Russia will do anything if Turkey invades ( they won’t because it makes no sense) then it’s Stockholm syndrome.

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