Die britische Inflation fällt im Februar auf 3,4 % und damit auf den niedrigsten Stand seit zweieinhalb Jahren


Von SevenNites


  1. purified_piranha on

    Finally some good news. Hopefully interest rates can be lowered soon

  2. Aggressive_Plates on

    Let’s lower interest rates and give the hardworking landlords of this country a much needed boost to their property prices.

  3. peakedtooearly on

    Just a reminder kids. This still means everything is getting (at least) 3.4% more expensive, on top of the rises of the last three years.

  4. Careless_Speaker on

    What basket are they using this time because it feels to me like everything is still rapidly accelerating in price quicker than what the figures show.

  5. mumwifealcoholic on

    No prices have lowered.

    Butter is till something like 65% more expensive. My energy bill is still double what it was in 2020.

    Don’t be fooled.

  6. shaftydude on

    Yeahhhhh, houses are cheap now! Food energy cheap!

    You don’t need better wages.

    We saved you.

  7. Izual_Rebirth on

    I might be wrong but haven’t they recently changed how they measure inflation? If so would love to know the figure based on the previous calculations.

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