Neuer Entwurf eines parteiübergreifenden US-Bundesgesetzes zum Datenschutz vorgestellt

1 Comment

  1. not_so_plausible on

    The APRA is the latest bipartisan federal privacy bill to be proposed and would provide privacy rights to all Americans. Currently there is a patchwork of state privacy laws that provide varying rights depending on the state in which the consumer resides. However, this bill would provide coverage to ALL Americans. One of the key points to this bill is that it will allow a private right of action. This means if your privacy is violated based on this bill, you would have the right to bring a lawsuit against the company in violation.

    This bill needs input and needs support from the general public to ensure that it’s not watered down to benefit corporations more than the general public. This is our chance to have at least somewhat of a resemblance of the GDPR and the privacy protections it provides to citizens in the EU.

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