Fernarbeit in den USA könnte Hunderte Millionen Tonnen CO2-Emissionen durch Autofahrten einsparen – allerdings auf Kosten von Milliardenverlusten bei den Einnahmen aus dem öffentlichen Nahverkehr



    1. giuliomagnifico on

      > The researchers found that a 10% increase in remote workers could lead to a 10% drop in carbon emissions from the transportation sector, or nearly 200 million tons of carbon dioxide a year across the U.S., thanks to fewer car trips. But the same proportion of remote work would reduce transit fare revenue by $3.7 billion nationally, a whopping 27% drop.

      Paper: [Impacts of remote work on vehicle miles traveled and transit ridership in the USA | Nature Cities](https://www.nature.com/articles/s44284-024-00057-1)

    2. Not only are emissions cut, people save money, employee morale improves, and you’re happier overall.

      There are jobs that require people to be onsite, but for those that don’t, it’s really difficult to find any benefit to being in the office.

    3. AllanfromWales1 on

      Any such analysis is simplistic if it assumes the same amount/quality of work could get done remotely as would get done face to face in an office. I chair process safety meetings and sometimes circumstances dictate that the meetings have to take place online. When that happens, progress is slower and quality is lower.

    4. Counterpoint: We shouldn’t charge for public transit anyway, in order to further reduce emissions.

    5. It wouldn’t just be public transportation, it would also be all of the businesses, such as restaurants and coffee shops, gas stations, that no longer get the same amount of business they get from commuters.

    6. bolivar-shagnasty on

      I started working almost one year ago today.

      In the year since I started, I’ve put fewer miles on my car in the last year than I did in one month of commuting to an office. I changed my oil after 6 months even though it had less than 1,000 miles on the clock.

      I’m actually driving the amount of miles I told my insurance company I was.

    7. I’ll gladly pay my tolls/gas money in additional taxes to never have to go into the office again.

    8. Manofalltrade on

      Corporate could automate and kill thousands of jobs and totally change the flow of money and it doesn’t get this attention. We try to shift our budget, fix the environment, and make the world a healthier place to live and suddenly it’s all about some little guy jobs.

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