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So she says she’s paid off her mortgage, removing one of biggest financial concerns anyone has, has “ saved all her life” yet where’s it all gone?
Also “feels her generation deserves better in old age” yet are that generation is the most protected, the one that politicians try to keep happy and had the best chance on home ownership ( she literally owns her home)
She’s better off than 90% of people just by owning her home
“I did everything except save into one of the most lucrative and generous pension schemes this work will ever see… Now I don’t have a pension this isn’t fair”
Fuck off.
“They also see us as ‘house blockers’ even though many of us have downsized or are only living in the more decent-sized homes we bought many years ago so that our children and grandchildren, who are living in tiny places they can barely afford, can come and stay with us.”
…so close. So close to realising that their grandchildren being raised in squalor is a problem.
She should sell her house and move into a smaller place. That would unlock the money she needs for living ad shed like.
This is a warning to us all…unfortunately ‘nice’ but low paying jobs like librarian wont really sey you up for a chilled retirement. Teaching foe less than 10 years won’t either…some may say it never will. But 2 low paying careers…she’s lucky she paid off her mortgage tbh.
I hate this but…while you’re young you gotta earn that money
…as much as you can…cause the amounts that you and I need to put in our pensions is likely more than the price ofnyour house.
>feels her generation deserves better in old age
Her generation of free university tuition, being able to buy a house for 2/3 times your annual salary and triple locked state benefits while everything else is slashed to the bone.
Most entitled / spoilt generation in history who used all the ladders of upward social mobility then pulled them away for their kids and grandkids coming after them.
Fuck offfff
It sounds like she’s made a series of poor financial decisions which have now come back to haunt her. She was a librarian and retrained as a teacher at 47 then retired at 54 – why? Where is her public sector pension and why did she pay for her daughter’s tuition fees when she clearly couldn’t afford to do so?
The state pension should be much better than it is, no questions there, but these days everyone knows it’s really more of a buffer than a single income and additional measures need to be taken to ensure financial security in later life. Maybe that’s not how it should be but it’s a fact to be ignored at your peril.
As a leftie I hate to say so but this is a tale of individual financial irresponsibility rather than a failure of the state to provide for her retirement.
Bet she started eating avocado on toast. That’s why she got no money.
Pull yourself up by those bootstraps and eat less avocado on toast boomer.
The state pension is enough to scrape by on. Should society fund a more comfortable retirement for those who can’t afford it themselves? Make sure there’s enough for holidays, meals out, luxuries in the home? Maybe start it early so people can start their comfortable retirement in their 50s?
Don’t think anyone is down for that. If you don’t save enough to make a comfortable retirement arrangement for yourself, you are supported to scrape along but no more. I don’t think that’s unreasonable to be honest, not really sure what this person is complaining about.
Lived through 40 years of economic incline, owns home and cleared mortgage, cry me a fking river
Maybe she can do some house hacking asking poor young people to pay 1200 pound a month for a bedroom
Something doesn’t quite add up here – she was in Local Government Employment in one form or another until she was in her mid-50s. So her pension should be reasonable – not vast, as she didn’t quite hit the retirement age, but to give an idea my father who was also in Local Government/Education for his entire career and is the same age as her, his pension is 50% final salary, plus a significant lump sum that allowed for purchase of a reasonable annuity. Given her role as a teacher I would hazard she should have a pension of around 10-15k ontop of the state pension, or £26k a year.
I am guessing from the figures given in the article she isn’t on the full state pension (which is £220 a week), at the £155 mentioned in the article and knock off a bit for the teachers salary she probably falls back to £20k a year.
If she wasn’t making full NI contributions up till 65, that means her tutoring work really wasn’t particularly fulsome and suggests she essentially semi-retired at 54.
Which would explain why she is not living a life of luxury – although that said with owning her own home, she shouldn’t be in utter penury either.
This does annoy me. I’m 24. Probably won’t get to buy until my mid thirties, meaning I’ve missed at least a decade of mortgage payments.
I have to save a metric fuck ton of money to even hope I’ll retire before I’m 80. Realistically I’m relying on inheritances when I’m around 40 (hopefully!) to support my retirement. I probably won’t even get a state pension.
Yet these lot always want more and more, while telling my generation they “struggled” so we have to too.
I think less Netflix, avocado toast and expensive coffee should get her back on track
Key word here – if
If she had to live on the state pension she would struggle. So she isn’t living on just that.
Her daughter having crippling student debt and a mother that moans for herself is the real story here
Sounds like she needs to pull herself up by the bootstraps, cancel netflix and stop drinking coffee in coffee shops.
Seek your house and live off the proceeds. There’s loads of people desperate to buy one. The entitlement of some people.
A lot of comments about her house so I was curious.
It wasn’t hard to do some OSINT and find her address.
Her house averages between £400-500k. I have to admit that even ‘downsizing’ wouldn’t play a part here. Nor even relocation. No doubt was content in her home and then is now trapped in the equity price boom.
Especially if she has been spending, such as for her children’s education and not investing.
But I definitely agree with the majority of your comments here knowing the struggle we face in our generation.