Der Gehalt an PFAS-Chemikalien für immer übersteigt in großen Teilen des globalen Oberflächen- und Grundwassers die Trinkwasserrichtlinien


    1. Morning from Australia r/science – sharing the above study led by our researchers alongside a colleague from the University of Oklahoma. The study assessed the levels of PFAS contamination in surface and ground water around the globe and has been published in Nature Geoscience today if you’d like to check it out: [Underestimated burden of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in global surface waters and groundwaters.](

      The team behind the study collated PFAS concentration data for 48,985 global surface and groundwater samples from 367 published papers and government websites, assessing the extent of PFAS contamination and their potential future environmental burden.

      The study is limited by the data, methods and the locations of these previous studies.The study suggests that a large fraction of analysed surface and groundwater samples exceed PFAS international drinking water advisories and regulations and that future PFAS environmental burden is likely underestimated.

      *Edit: Formatting

    2. Key_Mongoose223 on

      Has anyone studied if the PFAS make us stupider? Is that what’s happening?

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