Musk will Verbraucheragentur abschaffen, die ein „Modell für Effizienz“ war | „Das ist systemische Korruption in großem und unerträglichem Ausmaß“, sagte ein Befürworter über die Forderung des Milliardärs, das Consumer Financial Protection Bureau zu „streichen“.


  1. lastmanstandingx on

    But the real question is.

    Why is there a consumer financial protection bureau?

    They want to focus on a culture war to distract you from what this really is.

    A class war.

  2. tldr/ musk plans for platform formerly known as twitter to get into money transfer and or payments and…

    “CFPB has just finalized a rule to supervise large tech companies offering digital funds transfer and payment wallet apps,” he continued. “In short, Musk is calling for elimination of the consumer protection regulator over a business line he seems poised to enter… This is systemic corruption at a grand and intolerable scale.”

  3. I am not someone from USA, but neither is Musk, he is an African who is doing things to screw the American people and get away with it.

    Why not start a campaign calling him President in front of Trump, if someone ask, tell them that everyone know who is in charge (not Trump that is for sure), I bet with enough showing of this, the man child will discard him like he does everyone else.

  4. I mean, good luck. If that shit gets removed good luck selling products overseas if quality goes way down.

  5. trump and elon had a public call on the largest right wing platform there is, laughing together about ‘cutting’ jobs like grass.

    But people thought THOSE guys were for *them*?

    Dine leopards, DINE

  6. WomenTrucksAndJesus on

    But they’re making it difficult for Elon Musk to rip off “stupid” Americans!

  7. He will show time and again he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Unfortunately, the Musk presidency was paid for already, so he can do whatever he damn well pleases.

  8. Titfortat101 on

    Elon has no real power and is getting on Trump’s nerves. I predict a major fall out within the year followed up by Elon going full scorched Earth.

    Trump does not like being told what to do and really does not like people taking the limelight from him.

  9. Do conservatives not understand that they are also consumers? Or will they only be upset when it affects them personally and only then be outraged?

  10. RealPersonResponds on

    Trump is Elites, it’s an Elite takeover, corrupt the government, privatization, pay to play, just keep the masses fearful and it’s off to the bank.

  11. Nice-Loss6106 on

    Everyone who voted drumph should watch The Smartest Guys In The Room. I know it doesn’t have any explosions or superheroes but it’s quite entertaining and informative.

  12. Terrible_Horror on

    Does it seem like Trump is a shadow president? Musk is like Cheney and Trump is W.

  13. Because he, and most maga people dream of selling snake oil. Selling sugar water and make billions? The immoral piece of shit dream!

  14. SnoopsBadunkadunk on

    Billionaires don’t want to protect the public, they want to exploit them. How else do you get a billion dollars in a single lifetime?

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