Dasselbe fällt mir schon seit längerem auf.

Von 2deepetc


  1. Don’t forget about people being chronically online. Always posting selfies or how your feeling all the time can do something to your brain I’m sure. Constantly knowing and comparing to how you were the day before or how you precieve others day to day could bring out resentment. You never are wondering what your people are doing cause you know how you think they feel from the posting.

  2. Reasonable_Royal7083 on

    also the 3-4 years of lockdown, masked faces jumping into the street to avoid you

  3. Ss:

    “The substance that is inside my brain has done something to my cognition, memory, dreaming, imaging, contemplation and a long list of brain or cognitive abilities.” -[ a vaxxed woman](https://rumble.com/v51jxsz-a.i.-assimilation-and-covid-19-vaccine-nanotechnology-interview-1.html) in an interview.

    Graphene, which is in the shots attacks the brain, according to Ricardo Delgado of LaQuinta Columna. It goes through the blood-brain barrier because it seeks electrical impulses, which is also why it causes myocarditis, etc…

    Instructions can be sent to people wirelessly/remotely using emfs/telephone antennas, and this can cause behavioural changes.

    With graphene and 5g, they can not only observe what people are thinking but they can also insert thoughts and feelings.

  4. Durex_Compact on

    I am as antivaxxx as it can get, but no. It’s not just that. Ever since the plandemic started I noticed the same shit started happening with me. Became severely antisocial, devoid of compassion and yada yada. Just the new normal, I guess, or part of growing older.

    Edit: Never really understood the “graphene nanobots whatever” part, it would realistically just kill anyone vaxxed on sight lol. Are there long term (or even short term) side-effects from covid vaccination? Hell yeah. Does Bill Gates wants to enslave us by putting nanorobots into our bloodstream? No.

  5. missscarlett1977 on

    Definitely seeing that too. When people act cold, emotionless and stand there like zombies, I figure they sold their humanity out via the jab and probably several boosters. If you want to find out just say something like…..” how many boosters should I get do you think?”. They we be all over that question.

  6. Boobookittyfuck636 on

    The main accelerant in the degeneration of our society is social media.

    There’s also talk of the lead the was in a lot of our daily lives (and still is).

    I’ve also heard raising temperatures makes people more unhinged.

    Like others have said, poverty and desperation is a big factor.

    A big ol’ meting pot of dysfunction. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    P.S. Reddit is included in social media, so I am the first hypocrite.

  7. Maybe they just have resentment for giving away their rights so easily and they can’t actually say that so they just manifest it differently.

  8. youmustbeanexpert on

    You don’t need a vaccine to do that just lie to people for a decade and gaslight them if they question anything…the virus and vaccine were bullshit, this time, this was a control test I feel the next virus will kill a lot of people.

  9. dadirtyarsemen on

    This is dumb. I’m not vaxxed but I’ll fucking spazz because I have no money, it’s fucking cold here, my car is shit, my job pays like ass, I’ll never buy a house, I’ll never see the world. Hell, I probably won’t even get to see the rest of beautiful Canada. fuckin vax makin people spazz? That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard.

  10. Haywire421 on

    Or you know, maybe its caused by extreme inflation and divisive propaganda, such as this post for example.

  11. Grand_Patience_9045 on

    I’ve noticed it among my family. Not just the aggression, but complete changes in what people believe, their memory, their personalities. My family members who got the jab changed completely into different people within a few months. It was very jarring for me, since I live out of town and only see them occasionally every few months.

    I have come to be very cautious around anyone who got the jab. Just not sure I can fully trust them anymore, entirely based on how I’ve seen them change.

  12. Ah yes, the ole trust me bro tweet… If anything it was prolonged isolation and social media that led to this.

  13. TrollslayerL on

    So, I’m more aggressive now and care less about others?

    I’ll make sure to let the family know today by flipping the table and throwing the turkey.

  14. Bwaahahaha, what a load of horseshit is this!? Man, I think the real problem is all the KoolAid yall been chugging.

  15. kyot0scape on

    Idk if it’s from the jab, or the 5g frequencies making people on edge, it could be from being on our phones all the time now too. I never had the jab but am constantly on edge and easy to anger since something but I can’t quite pinpoint what it is .

  16. schmattywinkle on

    I default to immediate scepticism whenever they fuck up simple capitalization.

    It’s like the misworded scam emails that *know* only the lowest common denominator will fall for it.

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