Russlands hybride Kriegsführung könnte die NATO-Verteidigungsklausel auslösen, sagt Deutschland


    1. SS: “German intelligence chief Bruno Kahl says that Moscow’s acts of sabotage against Western targets could spur NATO to invoke Article 5 defence clause.” Whether it’s just rhetoric or not, it seems like NATO countries might have started to talk on the same level as Putin. Will it make Russia question their on going hybrid attacks on Europe and US? And how could any of the multiple misinformation campaigns be proven to the point of triggering Article 5?

    2. mysticalcookiedough on

      How many hybrid attacks by Russia in Europe (except Ukraine obviously) have actually been confirmed? It seems like every time something bad happens there is a lot of noise claiming it was Russia but I am not aware of a single instance within the last three years since this whole mess started where this has actually been been confirmed.

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