Präsident Biden kündigt Waffenstillstandsabkommen zwischen Israel und der Hisbollah an


  1. President Joe Biden announced Tuesday that Israel and Lebanon’s Iran-backed militia Hezbollah had agreed to a United States-brokered ceasefire.

    In addition to widening the risk of a regional war, the escalated tensions and back-and-forth strikes over the last year have killed thousands of people and displaced more than a million.

    Under the deal, which is set to go into effect at 4 a.m. local time, the fighting at the Israel-Lebanese border will end, Biden said in outlining the ceasefire, which he said was designed to be permanent.

  2. Nervous-Basis-1707 on

    Another win for Biden. Having Trump in power while these wars are going on will be a disaster. I’m glad Biden pushed for this ceasefire before his time ran out.

  3. fakedickie56 on

    Really glad he pushed this through before Biden’s end of term. Who knows what Trump and co had planned.

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