[OC] In den USA werden jeden Monat weniger Truthähne verzehrt, aber jeder Truthahn wird riesig, wie man monatlich von 1960 bis 2024 visualisiert.

Von Mysterious_Stage5804


  1. Mysterious_Stage5804 on

    This view showcases stats around Turkey specifically within our Cattles data.

    **Data Source**: [https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/livestock-and-meat-domestic-data](https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/livestock-and-meat-domestic-data)
    **Tool**: [https://hyperarc.com/](https://hyperarc.com/)
    **Dashboard Source**: [https://app.hyperarc.com/?isEmbed=true&embedId=c999e7d8-46b2-46ae-abcf-9e70c19a1991#/hyperarc/cattle-data/dashboard/turkey-consumption-dashboard/edit](https://app.hyperarc.com/?isEmbed=true&embedId=c999e7d8-46b2-46ae-abcf-9e70c19a1991#/hyperarc/cattle-data/dashboard/turkey-consumption-dashboard/edit)

    **Side note:**
    The most interesting part is that the”slaughter count” doesn’t just jump for Nov historically (when 20% of annual turkey in the US is consumed) – the bump starts in May/June, which means that most of us are consuming frozen turkeys from a few months ago… Happy Thanksgiving, ya’ll!

  2. Colonel_Gipper on

    There are so many better options, I’d be okay with not serving turkey on Thanksgiving

  3. Inside-Line on

    Is this further proof that the 90’s was the peak of human civilization?

  4. Master-Back-2899 on

    Why does the weight have such a large fluctuation? Is that seasonal? Consumption/slaughter makes sense with the holidays.

  5. I’ve been making smaller turkeys for Thanksgiving 7-10 pounds. And man, that is the way to go. It’s so much easier to make them take amazing and keep the meat from drying.

  6. callahan09 on

    Do the turkeys at slaughter weigh significantly more than what gets packaged and sold for cooking? Because I’ve never seen a turkey over 30 lbs for sale! Most of the bigger turkeys I see for sale around Thanksgiving are like 18 lbs.

  7. mrshatnertoyou on

    Turkeys have gotten bigger primarily to genetics of all things. Diet is the secondary reason.

  8. Septaceratops on

    Turns out that growing ever increasing sizes of turkeys and chickens doesn’t actually make them taste better. The same thing has been happening to produce as well. By prioritizing a veneer of market appeal, instead of growing tasty and nutritious food, food suppliers are shooting themselves in the foot. 

  9. calciumsimonaque on

    Am I the only one that thinks it’s kind of depressing that we kill more than 15 million turkeys every month? That’s like six birds killed every _second_. Lot of dead turkeys.

  10. What I find interesting is that the weight of turkeys varies periodically. It must be seasonal, or turkey producers focus on fattening them up during one season per year. The cyclic weight fluctuations were huge in the 1990s, I wonder what’s up with that?

  11. Steve_Lightning on

    Is this sub still supposed to be beautiful data or just interesting data nowadays? This looks horrible

  12. Sugary_Plumbs on

    So, back when microwaves were new and they were advertising that they could “cook a whole turkey”… Did that actually work because they were only 10lbs and easier to cook?

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