Die effizienteste Art, durch jedes Springfield in den USA zu fahren. Bildnachweis: Terrible Maps (Facebook)

    Von Equivalent_Cow_7033


    1. IDownVoteCanaduh on

      So they somehow solved the traveling salesman problem? Yeah, I doubt it. And I doubt this is the most efficient way.

    2. PublicRedditor on

      Who the heck uses Facebook for maps? So confused. There’s a whole world of maps that’s not Facebook.

    3. shieldwolfchz on

      Do you use a plane to go from Michigan to Oregon? That seems very inefficient to me.

    4. BootsAndBeards on

      Wait, there are 5 in Wisconsin? I don’t envy anyone in their postal service. You’d think after the first town the state might say ‘hey, that one’s taken, maybe pick something else’

    5. Tokin_Swamp_Puppy on

      Fun fact. Springfield Mass is where basketball smith & wesson and dr suess is from.

    6. BootsAndBeards on

      Springfield, IL, was originally named Calhoun, after Senator John C Calhoun from South Carolina. A man who would go on to lead the nullification crisis in South Carolina where the state decided they could ignore whatever federal laws they wanted and threatened to succeed if the feds didn’t like it.

      The town renamed itself after Springfield, MA after they decided that they really didn’t care for the guy after all. Springfield, MA was an industrial powerhouse that townspeople hoped they would become associated with.

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