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    1. Well yeah, they’re the billionaire oligarch party. All their policies favor business owners, and by owning media businesses and the like, have convinced the poor that their own policies are the best. It’s been money well spent for them. They won the information war. It just took a few with very deep pockets, this data reinforces that.

    2. Most people making +200k per year voted Dem, again. It really is the just the ultra wealthy using their bottomless coffers to lie to the working class. We should have never given corporations more rights than citizens.

    3. Kind of a moot point considering Dems outspent and mismanaged a billion dollars and ended up in debt at the end. Not really a bought election if you spent less money regardless of how you got it

    4. OpportunityGold4597 on

      Now do one of where Harris spent the $1 billion she raised

    5. AlbatrossHummingbird on

      Keep in mind that Harris raised five times more money than Trump. Her top 400 donors collectively contributed more than Trump’s top 400 donors, even though they account for only about 20% of her total campaign funding.

    6. This chart doesn’t mean much without absolute numbers. Democrats significantly out raised Republicans so it’s entirely possible the top 400 donors to each party contributed similar amounts.

    7. colin8696908 on

      I’m in TN and I’ve seen first hand how republican policy’s directly target the poor/middle class, just last year they cut unemployment benefits in half so we now only get 3 months of unemployment.. When was the last time you found a job in three months that wasn’t at mcdonalds.

    8. SirRipsAlot420 on

      The aneurysm centrists had about the big money billionaires being liberal was always a joke. Even funnier to see it in graph form.

    9. findingmike on

      And they’ve been paid in keeping their tax breaks. It was a good investment.

    10. the US is no longer a democracy or constitutional republic anymore. its officially an ***Oiligarchy*** now.***..***

    11. Ah yes, more “every accusation is a confession”

      Because they are constantly banging on about how the “Dems are beholden to big money”

    12. BachelorCooking on

      Yes the republicans bought rigged and stole the election. We are living in a dictatorship owned by the elite and upper class that will destroy the lower classes for profit.

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