Bloomberg berichtet, dass die weitreichenden Drohnenangriffe der Ukraine es geschafft haben, die tägliche Ölraffinierungskapazität Russlands um bis zu 900.000 Barrel zu reduzieren
Von Evertonian1985
Bloomberg berichtet, dass die weitreichenden Drohnenangriffe der Ukraine es geschafft haben, die tägliche Ölraffinierungskapazität Russlands um bis zu 900.000 Barrel zu reduzieren
Von Evertonian1985
‘Several weeks, if not months” is not realistic to repairing the damage we have seen to some of the distillation columns. I am not saying these plants are completely offline. But repairing the damage is no simple matter of weeks or a few months.
That is going to really hurt ole Vlad … what else can he sell?
How do they know for sure Ukraine is behind all those attacks?…
This is the way. Their exports are going to suffer, and with it their cash flow. Keep it up.
Just 6 million bpd left then
Hit them where it hurts. Their wallet.
That’s how you do Sanctions!