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Gorgeous while it was crazy and stupid I have to admit sometimes loved the quiet
Worst time of my life and I’m glad we’re never overreacting this much ever again…
Mine was seeing weeds growing on Grafton Street due to the street being empty.
Honestly, if you asked me if we could do the first three months of lockdown every 5 years or so I’d take it.
Which would be this March coming!
It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times……..
You don’t have to wait too long, 25th and 26th December are always quiet in the city.
It would remind you of Cillian Murphy walking the streets in 28 days later
I loved lockdown. Was such a nice change of pace.
Don’t jinx it OP!
I had to take some international flights in a narrow window between lockdowns and let me tell you that airports minus all the people are a genuinely pleasant experience. Sailed through security. Every flight left on time and landed early. They didn’t hae the background muzak on so there was no noise at all. In fact, most of the shops and restaurants were closed but that didn’t affect me.
Observing all the different COVID regulations of all the different countries was a bit meh but not complicated. Just kept taking COVID tests, kept testing negative and carried my most recent test results around with me.
Ironically, I’ve got COVID since then, during a regular visit to Tesco earlier this year.
Being able to get from one end of the quays to the other in under 12 minutes if you got the traffic lights was quality.
Everything else not so much!
Leaving aside the deaths caused by COVID, I know a lot of people suffered with their mental health because of the isolation……but fuck me do I miss it.
Just me, my wife, and my dog, living our best lives. Going for daily walks, knowing no one was going to call to the house, or stop you for a conversation while out and about. It was bliss.
Literally looks like every 6am weekend in dublin haha. Used to come off a nightshift at that time, and felt like 28 days later walking home through grafton street. Just me and the milk men doing deliveries.
It was eerie but nice for a few months until the open drug dealing and packs of teenagers were the first to come back
Was a bit of a mad ol’ time.
Kind of feel like everything never quite went back the way it was after those first few months.
I miss it.
As an introvert, I loved the quietness. Obviously the reason for it was terrible, don’t get me wrong. But it was so peaceful.
Ngl I kinda loved it. It was an introverts wet dream.
It was the most bizarre time. I don’t miss not being able to go out to restaurants etc. and soak up the atmosphere but I do miss office workers being able to work fully remotely as I absolutely loved the peace and quiet around the place. A bit eery for sure but so nice to not see so many cars on the roads.
The river is usually that empty
I have a very distinctive memory of cycling up South William Street on a Saturday evening in maybe March or April 2020, when it should of been packed with people, and it being completely deserted. It was eerily quiet like 28 days later
The worst, most depressing time of my life.