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‘State recognition of Somaliland’ is a good thing (regardless of whether you agree with Trump).
he should. somalia is a failed state, this is thex only part that works, a former brit colony.
Why didn’t the previous regimes recognize Somaliland? Seems like a relatively stable, well functioning democracy is a net win for the world.
Submission Statement:
Former UK Defense Secretary Sir Gavin Williamson has been lobbying for Somaliland’s recognition as an independent nation, discussing the matter with Donald Trump’s team. Williamson expressed confidence that Trump might support Somaliland’s recognition during a potential second term, leveraging Trump’s disdain for being countermanded, as seen in Biden’s reversal of Trump’s order to withdraw troops from Somalia. Recognition could pressure other Western countries, including the UK, to follow suit and potentially allow strategic use of Somaliland’s Berbera port for operations in the Red Sea.
Somaliland is a former British protectorate that declared independence in 1991. It operates as a stable, self-governed entity and recently held free elections. However it remains unrecognized internationally except by Ethiopia.
What’s in it for trump?
Discussions on Somaliland are so superficial and it sounds like an extremely easy cause to champion, but the non-recognition from the AU and and the US/UK are based on legitimate concerns.
It ultimately hinges on two things: Somaliland is neither stable, nor unified as the government purports. And the international community has invested a lot of time and energy into Somalia with progress finally taking root in like 5 years or so. Recognising Somaliland would undermine that and promote further violence. Somaliland recently lost a civil war against local minority groups and formal recognition would massively increase bloodshed as sizeable ethnic minorities excluded from government would find itself permanently under the thumb of the ruling clan.
Parts of Somaliland has been de facto independent since 1991, but only controlled the borders it proclaims from 2007 to 2023. It lost a civil war within its own borders after it tried to violently suppress an anti-government protests in one of its largest cities in the East. They doubled down on the strong-arming and it blew up in their face when the clan militia got involved. They lost the civil war to pro-Somalia factions and were forced to cede all if the territory that does NOT belong to the ruling ethnic group.
The government then unilaterally extended its mandate citing the war and the pandemic as a reason. In order to grow closer to Ethiopia and acquire the arms needed to conquer the territories it claims in the East it tried to lease costal land to Ethiopia but in line with the ruling spirit, they offered Ethiopia land that belongs to a minority group (closely affiliated with Djibouti) to Ethiopia. This incensed the Western minorities who were already
The AU has a much better pulse on things and understands the region much better than people speculating from the outside. Somaliland runs a lobby in particularly the UK