Sagen Sie es ganz offen: Der Präsident hat gerade Himmel und Hölle bewegt


  1. tunachilimac on

    > Joe Biden just had a come to Jesus meeting on a phone call with Benjamin Netanyahu

    Did he convert him?

  2. BukkitCrab on

    Don’t worry, the single-issue voters will move the goalposts any second now.

  3. slylock215 on

    The hyperbole of how this is titled really detracts from anything else. Not everything has to sound so fucking sensational.

  4. StormOk7544 on

    I think we need to actually see what happens before we can say Biden moved heaven and earth. How much more aid will Israel be allowing in, how much will the port we’re building help, and how fewer civilian deaths will we be seeing as the conflict continues? Biden’s doing the right thing by pouring the pressure on now, but it’s hard for me to say how much he’s accomplished at this moment before the results are in.

  5. BlokeInTheMountains on

    Isn’t Netanyahu’s move just to keep the crisis going pissing off a bunch of Dems so that Trump get reelected?

  6. WackyBones510 on

    I mean I see the information it’s trying to convey but at this point I’m a little confused what Salon even is. Does it have a traditional news room? Are these all op-eds? Is this technically a gossip column?

    The tone is so conversational and informal on a topic that is extremely serious. Idk find it a little condescending even though I assume I’m in their general target audience.

  7. External-Cat-4004 on

    This article is so poorly written it makes me wonder if AI was used.

  8. Familiar_Average4653 on

    If the massacres stop ill concede this point but the israelis will be back to lying amd killing by tuesday i expect

  9. DickyMcButts on

    what even is this headline? He made a fucking phone call asking them to stop killing people.. Let’s see him cut Israel off from any military aid.

  10. siberianmi on

    It’s amazing how clear it is that most people didn’t read the link – which spends most of its time criticizing Biden for being terrible at messaging. Headline makes it sound wildly positive but the core point of the article is Biden is doing a bad job of making voters notice what he’s doing right.

  11. Biden has always been terrible at campaigning. It’s the only thing Trump is good at. It’s gonna be a grown up moment for America to decide between the two because campaigning does not equal good governance.

  12. BobbyJGatorFace on

    Wait. I thought our presidents were supposed to salute foreign dictators and bend the knee to Putin. /s (sadly needed)

  13. phdthrowaway110 on

    What happens when you kill 6 Western people. If they had killed another 60k Palestinians Biden would have kept licking his ice cream cone.

  14. RecognitionExpress36 on

    Good for Biden. And Netanyahu has to go, for *so* many reasons. I don’t understand how Israel tolerates him.

  15. Poorly written article. Click bate. Stop sending them weaponry if you’re serious? This conversation should have happened at the start. Do better.

  16. Spaghettiisgoddog on

    Let’s grant him this, for arguments’ sake. Now, if he could’ve moved heaven and earth the whole time, why did he wait until now?

  17. Critical_Half_3712 on

    He moved earth? He moved heaven?Joe Biden caused the earth quake. Must’ve caused the eclipse too. Don’t give maga more headlines to twist

  18. jasoncross00 on

    People tend to forget how experienced and savvy Joe Biden is in foreign policy.

  19. zenmasterflashmobstr on

    Yeah I’ll say it once more than 5hrs have passed, until then I’m relieved but skeptical.

  20. badwolf1013 on

    That’s funny: I said that Biden was going to have a “come to Jesus” conversation with Israel in a comment last week: that exact wording. However, I predicted that it wouldn’t come until December. And I wouldn’t blame him for that.

    Once again, Biden exceeds my expectations.

  21. DauOfFlyingTiger on

    He has done effective work on climate change, prescription drug price reduction, infrastructure, union support, supporting Ukraine, building NATO back up, undoing Trump’s role backs protecting the environment, he had the border bill until Trump screwed it up. Really, Biden is a very effective President. It’s brilliant.

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