Russland rekrutiert Männer aus Mariupol zwangsweise in seine Invasionsarmee

Selbst wenn Sie der Ukraine aus irgendeinem dummen Grund nicht helfen wollen, wird DIES das Ergebnis ihres nächsten Angriffs auf das Baltikum und/oder Polen sein. Sie werden alle verbleibenden ukrainischen Männer zusammentreiben und sie zwingen, für Russland gegen sie zu kämpfen. Darauf können Sie sich verlassen. Wenn wir aufhören, der Ukraine zu helfen, sind das viele verärgerte Ukrainer, die wissen, wie man kämpft. Jetzt sind sie gezwungen, für die andere Seite zu kämpfen.

Russia forcibly conscripts Mariupol boys into its invading army
byu/Practical-Memory6386 inukraine

Von Practical-Memory6386


  1. DataGeek101 on

    Effing monsters. Cruel beyond measure. They have a special place in Hell waiting for them. Hopefully the lads survive.

  2. i dont see how ukrainian men would help the country that rapes their wives and daughters. Sure, they can forcibly conscript a few scared boys, but arming too many of them is likely going to be trouble for russia.

  3. KiwiThunda on

    Really hope Ukraine intelligence can keep track of them and snatch them up. Can’t imagine they’ll be given weapons so will probably be sent as meat shields

  4. hotdog_scratch on

    Last year i was sympathetic on Ukrainian in the east being conscripted and one Ukrainian reply to my comment. He prefer that those Pro Russian became cannon fodder so it will be less ukrainian traitors. I didnt even think about that way but it is cruel and some were pro ukraine but i get where he is coming from.

  5. NominalThought on

    Sadly there have been (and still are) many Russian sympathizers in Ukraine.

  6. AardentAardvark on

    This has always been a war of subjugation. And if subjugation is not accepted, then it simply proceeds to genocide.

  7. This is a war crime of sorts and if they forced me to do this, I’d do it badly, screw it up and sabotage them at every turn.

  8. IndependentGene382 on

    Cannot get into sub r/ukrainianconflict from main page. What gives? Still can’t get into “Are Putins threats real, or just idle bluffs”.

  9. Glad_Insect9530 on

    Hopefully they will be lucky in their positioning when the atcms fuck up these orc mobsters.

  10. numbmyself on

    Why weren’t these areas evacuated? Soldiers should be the last to leave to prevent exactly this, civilians being forced to fight for the enemy.

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