Im Ernst, die Kommentare dazu sind VERRÜCKT!!

Von SomePerson80


  1. SomePerson80 on

    Ss. Found this post in my Reddit feed. Everyone in the comments is so upset about this. wtf is wrong with this world?

  2. TheStoogeass on

    I think it would be great to get rid of HFCS, or at least restrict what it can be added to. It would set up a political battle with the Senators from Big Corn.

  3. People think this will be healthy for us. It is healthy, yes but the problem is that our body is used to toxic food and if we remove it from our system we will almost die.

  4. gringoswag20 on

    don’t take away my toxins !!!! i love having health issues and dying early!!

  5. LeeWizcraft on

    Trump could say anything and the left will push back on it. they fight against free health care if it was Trump’s idea.

  6. NukesAreFake on

    “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey, CIA Director

  7. He shouldn’t worry, nothing that impacts profits is going to happen. Rfk is a fool if he thinks he’s gonna be able to enforce anything other than the return of polio

  8. At this rate they will willingly purchase the poison itself, mix it into a cocktail and add it back in to their food and happily consume it.

  9. There was a comment on this post that said something along the lines of “and guess who will suffer the most if High Fructose Corn Syrup is banned? The farmers that Trump supposedly cares about” and then some barrage of how he’s a liar etc etc. I can’t get over how anti-trump Reddit is and how deep the bots run.

  10. _angry_typing_hick_ on

    I hope all those on board for this will take a break from bitching about inflation and start shopping at Whole Foods so they get used to the higher prices beforehand.

  11. D_Paradise420 on

    The funniest thing was the left finally cares about farmers because trump might make them grow something else besides corn.

  12. The_Texidian on

    I literally had another guy on a different post talking about how coal tar (Yellow 5) is good for you…this country is doomed but this incoming administration gives me a sliver of hope.

  13. Agatharchides- on

    The OG libertarians used to believe the consumer should replace government regulators. If the consumer doesn’t like the ingredients that are being used, they should vote the company out of existence by not purchasing their products.

    On the other hand, this new generation of MAGA libertarians are begging for economic protectionism, and celebrating government regulation, all the way down to what type of sugar food companies can use, and what types of signs companies can put on their bathrooms (they want to ban “gender-neutral” bathrooms).

    Ideological inconsistency taken to a whole new level.

  14. Brief-Potential9928 on

    If high fructose corn syrup is banned it realistically probably won’t do much. Soda companies will just fill sodas or foods with sugar or other forms of concentrated sugar. Sugar is sugar, your body process HFCS the same as pure cane sugar.

  15. BlazedNdDazed210 on

    Weren’t you clowns saying the same thing when Michelle Obama (greatest First Lady ever) tried banning sodas in schools?

  16. at least two of those things are very obviously pseudo-science conspiracy bro made up talking points that would do more harm than good.

    the other 2 i don’t know enough about what the counter-culture is claiming about them, but with the ideas they’re packaged with, they’re not in good company.

    what’s also very strange is if a democrat president nominated someone who said they want to ban HFCS republicans would freak out about big government and anti-free market stuff.

    regardless, it will be interesting to see how the farmers in the midwest react to a corn syrup ban.

  17. JosefFallonski on

    What happened to letting the free market solve all our problems?

  18. littlel2017 on

    I saw that post earlier and asked everyone why they were so pressed about fluoride being in sink water when they could just brush their teeth and floss 2 times a day. Still waiting for a good answer

  19. Mindful-O-Melancholy on

    Imagine how many health problems, medications and hospital bills that will save everybody from in the long run.

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