Benutzer verlassen Glassdoor und sind verblüfft darüber, dass die Website ohne Zustimmung echte Namen hinzufügt


  1. jonathanbaird on

    Just deleted my account, only for Glassdoor to (mistakenly?) send me two emails about submitting content that violates their community guidelines.

    I haven’t submitted any content in well over a year…

  2. mycatisgrumpy on

    Turns out the real glass door is between the public and your personal information. 

  3. twistedLucidity on

    I am old enough to remember the mantra:

    > Never use your real name on-line

    Time for that to make a comeback.

    Also, fuck corporates who know the cost/profit of everything, and the value of nothing.

  4. death_by_chocolate on

    HR departments from all over even as we speak are scanning company reports looking for the malcontents and the disgruntled, lol.

  5. Shoot — I purposefully used separate burner accounts for each of my Glassdoor reviews.

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