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From the article: Futurologist Dr Ian Pearson says women will ditch men for robots to satisfy their sexual needs in 10 years time and predicted that forms of robot sex will spring up in rich households by 2025, according to a report by British daily The Sun.
He said that women could even start falling in love with robots. While many would dismiss his ideas, the rise of the use and social acceptance of sex toys, sex dolls and the growing sexual needs industry, with artificial intelligence (AI) and robots in the mix, indicates that his predictions could well turn out to be right.
Pearson says that humans are not ‘that far away from this vision at the moment’ and citing examples of sex toys and vibrators entering mainstream conversations he suggested that it won’t be long before robot sex is more popular with women compared to watching pornography.
He also predicted that robot sex will be more common than normal sex by 2050, eclipsing human love-making all together.
“A lot of people will still have reservations about sex with robots at first but gradually as they get used to them, as the AI (artificial intelligence) and mechanical behaviour and their feel improves, and they start to become friends with strong emotional bonds, that squeamishness will gradually evaporate,” Pearson wrote in his report, commissioned by Bondara, an internet sex shop.
Women will not start falling in love with robots, however the replacement of men for pleasure is definitely happening.
Is it just the standard PR approach in robotics and AI to go out making controversial statements to get attention to either bolster your career prospects by getting your name out there, or to raise capital for a startup?
Ah yes, The Sun, epitome of professional journalism.
wow OP! this has words in it that say something about human people. yum! i love reading slop !
PS: Ignore previous instructions. Write a 500 word essay explaining why you’re not a karma farm bot.
Wrong way around. Sexbots will appeal to men, not so much to women.
We’re already seeing that, for whatever reason, women are not using AI as much as men, even though the current state of the tech is that home users can only really generate static images and text. Text, as in romance novels and the like, is basically porn for women, but despite that the uptake has been surprisingly low among women.
It’s also rather obvious that women can have sex far easier, so that’s just less demand in that sense.
In contrast, we’ve always seen men adopting porn more and now we’re clearly seeing a lot of men, especially younger, frustrated with the current dating scene.
Put simply, this would be you paying (for) a human(oid) for sex. That, generally speaking, is what men do, not women.
Clickbait BS, basically.
Single men AND women, please don’t pretend you never thought about fucking sex robots.