Tut mir leid, wenn die Fotos schwer zu lesen sind. Ich werde bis Dienstag auรŸer Haus sein, sodass ich bei Bedarf keine weiteren Fotos machen kann.


    Von Save-Last


    1. AutoModerator on

      **Have you read our extensive wiki yet? It answers many basic questions, and it contains in-depth articles on many frequently discussed topics.
      [Check our wiki now!](https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/wiki/index)**

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    2. Hot_Barnacle8688 on

      Dude I am German and I canโ€™t read any of this besides a few single wordsโ˜ ๏ธ

    3. goldDichWeg on

      You should ask in /r/kurrent for a translation. They know how to read this.

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