Länder, in denen es illegal ist, Ihren Kindern den Hintern zu versohlen

    Von Thelifehacker1


    1. MuzzledScreaming on

      It’s refreshing to see most of South America way ahead of the North on something.

    2. I had no idea there were countries where it’s actually legal to spank children lol

    3. Reading these comments made me realize they don’t know that’s for teaching kids discipline.

    4. Its actually allowed to spank your children in the US, GB and Belgium?

    5. You can spank your kid all over the coast of Greenland but don’t you dare try it on the ice cap.

    6. Ok-Pumpkin-3390 on

      It’s okay on the coast of greenland. A littlebit inland and boom you’re a criminal

    7. Goodguy1066 on

      Surely there’s gotta be some context missing here. Is it a matter of no explicit law being written in some western countries because they fall under other child abuse or human rights laws?

    8. Razorion21 on

      And yet, the children/people in the red countries behave 90% of the time better and are more respectful, at least going by experience

    9. GrapefruitForward196 on

      what the fuck? Parents don’t spank their children in most of the world? Uncivilised barbarians

    10. Sensitive_Goose_8902 on

      The most surprising part of this map is the existence of NZ

    11. sitruspuserrin on

      I can’t believe some people think it would be ok to hit children, when they understand they cannot hit their neighbors or colleagues.

      If your coworker repeatedly breaks the rules, there are plenty of other options than spank them at the workplace.

      And yet some people defend violence against children, who are not equal to adults. “to teach them”
      Teach them what? That adults can be cruel.

    12. sonic_tower on

      Curious about the laws in countries like the US where it is legal. If I spank my child it’s ok. If I spank someone else’s child is it also OK? What if the parents consent?

      If I walk up to a random lady in line at a grocery store and spank her, is that OK? What if she was being naughty? Would it be OK if she were younger? If she were over 18 and her old parents were with her and say it’s ok, can I spank her?

      What counts as a spank? Does it have to be on the butt or lower half of the body? If I spank on the face, is that a slap? Are slaps legal? What if I slap my child?

      [Note, I think physical abuse is wrong in all contexts. Just pointing out the weirdness of these laws and allowances]

    13. EmperorThan on

      I’m kinda shocked at this map. A friend of mine that’s visiting the USA for the first time from Bolivia said she couldn’t believe that it’s taboo to spank children in the USA and wondered how children would ever behave without it… Yet this map is showing Bolivia as having a spanking ban?

      Edit: So I found this by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights-
      [“In Bolivia, corporal punishment of children is unlawful in schools and as a sentence for crime under state law, but it is not fully prohibited in the home, alternative care settings, day care and penal institutions, and its legality as a sentence in indigenous justice systems is unclear.”](https://uprdoc.ohchr.org/uprweb/downloadfile.aspx?filename=1021&file=EnglishTranslation)

    14. kikogamerJ2 on

      Wait is it actually legal on Switzerland? Because I am almost sure even having intentions of beating your child there, will result in you being found dead in a skiing incident.

    15. No_Communication6197 on

      I’m very surprised about Congo-Brazzaville. Are there any sources on that ? I looked in both English and French and couldn’t find anything.

    16. AaronicNation on

      Mongolia has gone from pyramids of skulls to spanking is abusive.

    17. I’m curious how prevalent it is even in countries where it’s illegal. In South Africa for example, spanking is normalized and fairly common. Although I do think that’s changing with time.

    18. Fresh-Decision2556 on

      This is not the kind of map I expected to see with this description lol

    19. English culture is all about spanking kids i guess even some of the former empire’s colonies are for it

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