Labour erhielt von Wettfirmen Geschenke im Wert von 1 Million Pfund

    Von JayR_97


    1. corbynista2029 on

      Receiving freebies from gambling companies and football clubs too. Any prospect of banning or regulating gambling ads or imposing levies on gambling companies will go down the drain.

    2. JimJonesdrinkkoolaid on

      I’m sure those gifts were entirely altruistic and the betting firms want nothing in return. Just to see the Labour party doing well. Like Lord Alli…

    3. SenatorBiff on

      Are we to assume from this framing that there were no gifts from the gambling industry to government figures 2010-2024?

    4. Fire_Otter on

      This is obviously wrong

      but its been going on for years and years The betting firms have been handing over freebies and money to government members and MPs for years now

      You can even [watch an ethics committee video ]( a couple of years ago on Youtube where Ian Hislop and other journalists form Private eye are called in to give their viewpoint to select MPs.

      and a Tory MP tries to justify free football tickets he was given, and Ian Hislop quite rightly dismisses that argument

      So why is it suddenly headline news worthy now and not before?

      I suppose you could argue with the previous Tories it was such a sh*tshow that there was more salacious stories and scandals that buried this issue.

      But i feel like its not that or not just that.

      what Labour is doing is wrong

      But our predominantly right Wing newspaper media can be treating a Labour Government differently and giving them a harder time

      Both things can be true

    5. Is the former labour leader Tom Watson still employed as an adviser by gambling firms? Since he was put in the house of lords by Starmer I’d assume a little quid pro quo would be happening.

    6. Blacksmith_Heart on

      Gambling companies are some of the most immoral organisations on the face of the planet. Labour getting into bed with them is yet more obvious evidence that we have two Tory Parties in Parliament. Change the colour of the ties, meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

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