Der kroatische Präsident Zoran Milanović sagte, er werde kroatischen Soldaten die Teilnahme an NATO-Aktivitäten in der Ukraine nicht gestatten. Seine Entscheidung kann mit einer Zweidrittelmehrheit im Parlament aufgehoben werden.
Von D_Randal
Can anybody remind me why is Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia are partbofnthebEU?
I was convinced they had to adhere to and prove some kind of democratic traits. They don’t.
A lot of these leaders are still Russian thinking.
I was shocked when i heard croatia is part of the EU. This clearly isnt the EU spirit
It’s ok Croatia, no one was expecting you to ride in on a white horse and single handedly defeat Russia and save Ukraine
I am sure Putin will be delighted to hear it.
What a nob.
Zzzzzzzzz what a useless statement
Outside of Croatia, what other countries from NATO are actively participating in activities on the ground in Ukraine? I assume none officially, so how is this any different to the status quo on any nato countries at present?
If they all hop in with boots on the ground it will be one in all in I believe.
There are no soldiers from anywhere else, either, barring individual volunteers. I don’t see how this is any different at this point from any other country.
Dear Croatia… you only exist because of NATO/UN.