Putin sagt, dass die Ziele der Ukraine „erreicht“ werden, während er „Neonazi“-Behauptungen wiederholt | Nachrichten zum Russland-Ukraine-Krieg


    1 Comment

    1. ZealousidealAside340 on

      Whoever wrote this article is not versed in the subtleties. These days, putin is NOT talking about “demilitarisation” of ukraine. Those days are gone. What putin is talking about now is the “protection of russian speakers from the kyiv ‘nazi’ regime” which is to say that as the negotations are going now, he accepts the continuation of the kyiv democratic government but he is also announcing that he will stay in donbas. with the ukrainian foreign minister in hungary, things are coalescing to a possible end to the war. the questions that are being negotiated now are things like “how many sanctions will the west have to lift for putin not to object to western troops in ukraine as part of a nato peacekeeping force near the zone of demarkation.” (actually, it’s far more technical than that, but that’s the gist of it). like it or not, this is what is happening now.

      slava ukraini.

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